
USBPO Organization


USBPO Council — Membership History

       Note: not all past members are listed due to some mid-term changes.

Council, 2011-2012

Michael Mauel    (Chair) Columbia
Michael Bell    (Vice Chair) PPPL
Richard Buttery GA
Troy Carter UCLA
Chris Hegna Wisconsin
Jerry Hughes MIT
Steve Knowlton Auburn
Wayne Meier LLNL
Cynthia Phillips PPPL
Tom Rognlien LLNL
Phil Snyder GA
Don Spong ORNL

Council, 2010-2011

Michael Maul   (Chair) Columbia
Michael Bell   (Vice Chair) PPPL
Lee Berry ORNL
Richard Buttery GA
Troy Carter UCLA
C. S. Chang NYU
Martin Greenwald MIT
Steve Knowlton Auburn
Wayne Meier LLNL
Cynthia Phillips PPPL
Phil Snyder GA
Michael Ulrickson SNL

Council, 2009-2010

Amanda Hubbard    (Chair) MIT
Michael Zarnstorff    (Vice Chair) PPPL
Michael Bell PPPL
Lee Berry ORNL
C. S. Chang NYU
Martin Greenwald MIT
Michael Maul Columbia
Wayne Meier LLNL
John Sarff Wisconsin
Phil Snyder GA
Tony Taylor GA
Michael Ulrickson SNL

Council, 2008-2009

Amanda Hubbard    (Chair) MIT
Michael Zarnstorff    (Vice Chair) PPPL
C. S. Chang NYU
Martin Greenwald MIT
Richard Hawryluk PPPL
William Nevins LLNL
Martin Peng ORNL
John Sarff Wisconsin
Ed Synakowski LLNL
Tony Taylor GA
George Tynan UCSD
Michael Ulrickson SNL

Council, 2007-2008 **

Amanda Hubbard    (Chair) MIT
Michael Zarnstorff    (Vice Chair) PPPL
Steve Allen LLNL
Steve Cowley UCLA
Richard Hawryluk PPPL
Earl Marmar MIT
Gerald Navratil Columbia
William Nevins LLNL
Martin Peng ORNL
David Petti INL
Craig Petty GA
John Sarff Wisconsin
Tony Taylor GA
George Tynan UCSD

Council, 2006-2007 **

James Van Dam    (Chair) Texas
Amanda Hubbard    (Vice Chair) MIT
Steve Allen LLNL
Steve Cowley UCLA
Richard Hawryluk PPPL
Earl Marmar MIT
Gerald Navratil Columbia
William Nevins LLNL
Martin Peng ORNL
David Petti INL
Craig Petty GA
John Sarff Wisconsin
George Tynan UCSD
Michael Zarnstorff PPPL

** The USBPO Council originally consisted of 14 members. Bylaws approved in 2007 set the future size of the Council at 12 regular members.