
Previous USBPO Council Members

2011 2010 2009
Michael Maul, Chair Michael Maul, Chair Amanda Hubbard, Chair
Michael Bell, Vice Chair Michael Bell, Vice Chair Michael Zarnstorff, Vice Chair
Lee Berry Lee Berry Michael Bell
Richard Buttery Richard Buttery Lee Berry
Troy Carter Troy Carter C. S. Chang
C. S. Chang C. S. Chang Martin Greenwald
Martin Greenwald Martin Greenwald Michael Mauel
Steve Knowlton Steve Knowlton Wayne Meier
Wayne Meier Wayne Meier John Sarff
Cynthia Phillips Cynthia Phillips Phil Snyder
Phil Shyder Phil Snyder Tony Taylor
Michael Ulrickson Michael Ulrickson Michael Ulrickson

2008 2007* 2006*
Amanda Hubbard, Chair Amanda Hubbard, Chair James Van Dam, Chair
Michael Zarnstorff, Vice Chair Michael Zarnstorff, Vice Chair Amanda Hubbard, Deputy Chair
C. S. Chang Steve Allen Steve Allen
Martin Greenwald Steve Cowley Steve Cowley
Richard Hawryluk Richard Hawryluk Richard Hawryluk
William Nevins Earl Marmar Earl Marmar
Martin Peng Gerald Navatil Gerald Navratil
John Sarff William Nevins William Nevins
Ed Synakowski Martin Peng Martin Peng
Tony Taylor David Petti David Petti
George Tynan Craig Petty Craig Petty
Michael Ulrickson John Sarff John Sarff
  Tony Taylor George Tynan
  George Tynan Michael Zarnstorff

*The USBPO Council originally consisted of 14 members. Bylaws were amended in 2007 to reduce the number of Council members to 12 in the upcoming year.