White Papers
received by
The FESAC Subcommittee on Future Facilities
Author(s) | Title or Subject |
D. T. Anderson, F. S. B. Anderson, A. Bader, J. D. Callen, C. Deng, C. C. Hegna, S. T. A. Kumar, K. M. Likin, J. N. Talmadge | HELIcally Optimized Stellarator: HELIOS |
D. Asner | The Project X Energy Station as a Candidate Fusion Materials Facility |
N. D. Browning | National Facility for Imaging Nuclear Materials and Processes (INMaP) |
R. Cauble | Jupiter II - Next-generation International User Facility for Laser-based High Energy Density Science |
B. E. Chapman, A. F Almagri, J. K. Anderson, D. J. Den Hartog, J. A. Goetz, K. J. McCollam, M. D. Nornberg | Facility for Fusion Optimization and Validation (FFOV) |
R. P. Drake, K. Krushelnick, R. Clarke, A. Galvanauskas, S. Yalisove, A. Thomas, C. Joshi, M. Koepke, F. Beg | Versatile Laser User Facility (VLUF) |
J. C. Fernandez | High intensity Laser Laboratory: A Proposal for a Future DOE Office of Science Experimental User Facility |
A. M. Garofalo, V. S. Chan, T. S. Taylor, C. P. C. Wong, M. Abdou, N. B. Morley, A. Ying, G. A. Navratil, B. J. Merrill, M. E. Sawan, G. R. Tynan, R. S. Willms | A Fusion Nuclear Science Facility (FNSF) for a Fast-Track Path to DEMO |
D. A. Gates, A. Boozer, T. E. Evans, R. J. Goldston, A. Hassam, B. Lipschultz, D. A. Maurer, G. H. Neilson, R. Parker, K. Tritz, F. Volpe, H. Weitzner, G. A. Wurden, M. C. Zarnstorff | QUASi-Axisymmetric Research (QUASAR) Experiment |
W. Gekelman, T. Carter, G. Morales, C. Niemann | The Basic Plasma Science Facility - Upgrade for the next decade and beyond |
N. M. Ghoniem, R. Wirz, D. Goebel | Request for Upgrade of Plasma-Material Interaction Facilities at UCLA |
S. H. Glenzer | FORWARD user facility proposal for High Energy Density science, (Fundamental Optical Research With Advanced x-Radiation Diagnostic) |
R. J. Goldston, H. L. Berk, S. C. Hsu, T. P. Intrator, D. D. Ryutov, X. Tang, S. Zweben | Divertor Physics Experiment |
D. L. Hillis, T. Biewer, J. Brooks, J. Canik, J. Caughman, R. H. Goulding, J. Lore, L. Owen, Y-K. M. Peng | Addressing PMI science and PFC technology for ITER, FNSF and DEMO with MPEX (Material Plasma Exposure eXperiment) |
T. R. Jarboe, D. A. Sutherland, C. Akcay, R. Golingo, C. J. Hansen, A. C. Hossack, G. J. Marklin, K. Morgan, B. A. Nelson, R. Raman, B. S. Victor, S. You | Facilities needed for the development of economical fusion power |
S. Kaye | NSTX Upgrade: The Ability of the Facility to Contribute to World-Leading Science |
J. W. Kwan | Integrated Beam-High Energy Density Physics Facility (IB-HEDPF) |
B. LaBombard, E. S. Marmar, J. Irby | High Power Density Advanced Divertor Test Facility - Alcator DX |
E. A. Lazarus | A simpler approach to a fusion neutron source |
J. Li, R. G. Ballinger, J. Minervini, M. Short, H. Barnard | A Superconducting Cyclotron Accelerator Based Materials Test Center for Surface and Bulk Radiation Damage Studies |
B. Lipschultz, R. Goldston, R. Maingi, J. Brooks, R. Doerner, A. Hassanein, I. Hutchinson, E. Marmar, S. Prager, C. Skinner, M. Zarnstorff, S. Zweben | High-Power Divertor-Tokamak Experiment (HDTX) |
R. Maingi, J. P. Allain, J. N. Brooks, R. J. Goldston, A. Hassanein, M. A. Jaworski, M. Ono, S. C. Prager, D. N. Ruzic, C. H. Skinner, V. A. Soukhanovskii, M. C. Zarnstorff | NSTX-PMI: An Upgrade to NSTX-U for a PMI-Centered Mission |
W. Manheimer | The Scientific Prototype |
E. Marmar | Alcator C-Mod National Fusion Facility |
B. J. Merrill, L. C. Cadwallader, M. Shimada, P. Humrickhouse, D. A. Buchenauer, R. Kolasinski, R. A. Causey | Critical Safety and Tritium Applied Research Facility Upgrade |
D. D. Meyerhofer | Ultra-high Intensity Laser Initiative at the University of Rochester's Laboratory for Laser Energetics |
N. B. Morley, M. A Abdou, A. Y. Ying, S. Smolentsev, S. Willms | Tritium Fuel Sustainability and Fusion Power Extraction Research |
H. Neilson, D. Gates, R. Goldston, S. Prager, M. Zarnstorff, S. Milora, S. Zinkle, T. Taylor | Toward a Fusion Nuclear Science Facility |
S. P. Obenschain, J. D. Sethian, A. J. Schmitt | Krypton Fluoride Laser Target Interaction Facility |
M. Peng, J. Canik, C. Neumeyer, M. Ono, A. Redd, S. Sabbagh | ST-FNSF White Paper for FESAC Subcommittee on Facilities |
K. Schoenberg, J. Shlachter | MTS White Paper to the Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee, Subcommittee on Future Facilities |
J. Slough, R. Milroy, B. Nelson, F. Ohuchi, U. Shumlak, R. Raman, G. Votroubek, D. Kirtley, C. Pihl | Fusion Neutron Test Facility |
L. L. Snead, P. D. Ferguson, N. M. Ghoniem, J. Marian, G. R. Odette, M. W. Wendel, B. D. Wirth | Fusion Material Irradiation Test Station (FMITS) at SNS |
M.R. Wade, D.N. Hill, R.J. Buttery | DIII-D National Fusion Facility |
M. R. Wade, D. N. Hill, R. N. Buttery, A. G. Kellman | DIII-D National Fusion Facility Upgrade to Prepare for the Burning Plasma Era |
W. B. Webb | Stringsynthesis Fusion |
S. Woodruff | ++ Spheromak Proof of Principle / Compact Fusion Neutron Source |
G. A. Wurden, W. A. Reass, P. Turchi, J. H. Degnan, C. Grabowski, B. Bauer | The Prometheus Magneto-Inertial Fusion Research Facility |
K. M. Young | Virtual Laboratory for Plasma Diagnostics, Instrumentation and Control for Advanced Fusion Devices |
M. C. Zarnstorff, A. Cohen, D. A. Gates, H. Neilson, S. Prager | A Next Step Stellarator Experiment |