USBPO Organization
The following members of the U.S. fusion research community currently serve on the USBPO Council:
Term ending: |
Michael Bell | PPPL | Vice-Chair | 2012 |
Richard Buttery | GA | 2013 |
Troy Carter | UCLA | 2013 |
Chris Hegna | Wisconsin | 2014 |
Jerry Hughes | MIT | 2014 |
Steve Knowlton | Auburn | 2013 |
Mike Mauel | Columbia | Chair | 2012 |
Wayne Meier | LLNL | 2012 |
Cynthia Phillips | PPPL | 2013 |
Tom Rognlien | LLNL | 2014 |
Phil Snyder | GA | 2012 |
Don Spong | ORNL | 2014 |
ex-officio participants:
Steve Eckstrand | DOE | OFES Research Program Manager |
Charles Greenfield | GA | USBPO Director |
Amanda Hubbard | MIT | USBPO Deputy Director |
Stanley Milora | ORNL | US ITER Project Office Chief Technologist (Voting ex-officio) |
Gene Nardella | DOE | OFES ITER Technology Officer |
Al Opdenaker | DOE | OFES Executive Assistant to the Associate Director |
Edmund Synakowski | DOE | OFES Associate Director |
Nermin Uckan | ORNL | USBPO Assistant Director for ITER Liaison |
James Van Dam | DOE | OFES Reseach Division Director |