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60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics

Talks from the contributed oral session "Research in Support of ITER” Organized by the US Burning Plasma Organization

Tim Luce (ITER Organization) The new stable ITER Baseline Scenario with zero torque
Xianzu Gong (ASIPP) Advances in EAST long pulse H-mode experiment and contributions to steady state operation of ITER
Valerie Izzo (Fiat Lux) Modeling of an "inside out" thermal quench by core deposition of impurities
Roy Alexander Tinguely (MIT) Synchrotron spectra, images, and polarization measurements from runaway electrons in Alcator C-Mod
Nicholas W Eidietis (GA) First demonstration of disruption mitigation using shell pellets for core impurity deposition on DIII-D
David Matthew Kriete (Wisconsin) Effect of radial magnetic perturbations on turbulence-flow dynamics at the L-H transition on DIII-D
Theresa M Wilks (MIT) Advancement of Wide Pedestal Quiescent H-mode Scenario at Zero Torque to ITER-like Shape
Elina Militello Asp (CCFE) JINTRAC Coupled Core/SOL/Divertor Transport Simulations in Support of ITER
Dan Brunner (MIT) Unified scaling of divertor heat flux widths across confinement regimes to reactor-relevant magnetic fields in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak
C-S Chang (PPPL) Gyrokinetic prediction of the divertor heat-load width for ITER
Ane Lasa (UTK) Integrated, multi-physics modeling of erosion, redeposition and gas retention in the ITER divertor
Pierre Manas (IPP Garching) Experimental and theoretical characterisation of He plasmas confinement in view of the ITER pre-fusion power operation phase in ITER baseline scenarios
Vinicius N Duarte (PPPL) Prediction of the likely of Alvenic mode chirping in ITER baseline scenarios
Trang Vu (SPC-EPFL) A tokamak-agnostic control system for actuator management and integrated control with application to ITER and TCV
Joseph Snipes (ITER Organization) The Development of First Plasma Operations on ITER